Last year the microscopy community lost one of its most talented, devoted, and celebrated microscopists - Mike Davidson. 

Over the past decade, Mike has been instrumental in figuring out the performance characteristics of nearly every fluorescent probe. His lab at Florida State’s National High Magnetic Field Laboratory shared this information on his website establishing Mike as the international reference for fluorescent probe properties.  

He was our friend and colleague and we will miss him.  

​​The Cell Picture Show honors Mike with some examples of his contributions.  Our image is shown at the right. 

See all of the images

PacNoW Quantitative Biology Qwik Conference:

With funding from the School of Medicine, in collaboration with Derek Applewhite at Reed College, we are organizing a one day symposium on September 11th, 2015.  Talks in the new Collaborative Life Sciences Building (CLSB) on the South Waterfront, lunch for the first 50 registered participants.

Registration is required, but there is no fee.

Funding provided by OHSU School of Medicine Quantitative Bioscience & Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program.


Jim and Cathy have the cover of the Nature special issue on the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Will Voss wins an Honorable Mention in the Olympus Bioscapes Competition.

Jim and Cathy featured on ASCB blog page.

Lab welcomes Scott Breitenstein.​

Congratulations to our friend and collaborator Eric Betzig on his Nobel Prize!  Our image is featured on the New York Times article announcing the Prize.

Two micrographs taken by the newest member of the lab Will Voss! Compare the TIRF and PALM images.

Galbraith Lab is organizing a Saturday

Special Interest Group at the ASCB Meeting on Dec 6, 2014 in Philadelphia, PA


Jim and Cathy Galbraith featured in an iBiomagazine video about summer research at the Marine Biological Laboratory


Galbraith Lab Image Featured in Life:Magnified at Dulles International Airport

Three-color super-resolution structured illumination image of mouse melanoma cell showing invasive actin structure (green), mitochondria (purple), and nuclei (blue).  Image was chosen by NIGMS and ASCB to be part of their exhibit to show life at the cellular level.  


The BioBus Promotes Mobile Science.  Watch the iBioMagazine video and see the next generation of Team Galbraith doing science.  (video)

Quantifying Biology:  Working at the Interface Between Biology and Physics

With funding from the School of Medicine and ASCB the Galbraith lab is  hosting a one day symposium on May 20th, 2014.  Talks in the Old Library, lunch with the speakers for registered participants, and an afternoon QB data slam in the Vollum where post-docs and students compete for cash prizes and free ASCB memberships.  Registration is required, but there is no fee.

All of the outside speakers use multi-disciplinary approaches and principles from the physical sciences to study their biology.  Click on their links to learn about the diverse approaches used in their research.

Dyche Mullins (HHMI, UCSF) 

Jim Bear (HHMI, UNC)

Dan Fletcher (Berkeley)

Khuloud Jaqaman (UTSW)

Funding provided by OHSU School of Medicine Research Roadmap and ASCB.

Have Microscope will Travel 

Read about our collaboration with Eric Betzig on the Bessel Sheet Microscope.  HHM Bulletin November, 2011 (pdf).  Yes, those dazzling images were taken by Cathy and Jim Galbraith.