Post-doctoral fellows

We are actively recruiting post-doctoral

fellows to work on multidisciplinary projects in quantitative cell biology, neurobiology, and cancer biology.  All projects use cutting edge microscopy and biophysics.  



Visiting Scientists

We welcome visiting scientists who share our interests and want to come visit and collaborate.


Jim Galbraith

Jim obtained his PhD in Bioengineering from the University of Pennsylvania where he dual-trained in electrophysiology.  He did his post-doctoral work in neuroanethesiology at UCSD before transitioning to the Bioenginnering Department where he was Teacher of the Year.  He then moved on to the Mechanical Engineering Department at Duke University before becoming an intramural scientist at NIH in the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.  While at NIH he also held a visiting scientist appointment at Janelia Research Campus.  He came to OHSU in the fall of 2013 and collaborates closely with Cathy Galbraith.  Both are associate professors in the BME department with appointments in the Quantitative and Systems Biology Center and the Knight Cancer Institute.  

Cathy Galbraith

Cathy obtained her PhD in Bioengineering/ Applied Mechanics from UCSD with Shu Chien and Richard Skalak.  She did her post-doctoral work in cell biology with Mike Sheetz at Duke Medical School.   She joined Ken Yamada's group at the National Institute of Dental Craniofacial Research before being awarded her own lab.  While at NIH she held a visiting scientist appointment at Janelia Research Campus.  She came to OHSU in the fall of 2013 an associate professor in the Spatial Systems Biology Center at OHSU.   She came to OHSU in the fall of 2013 and collaborates closely with Jim Galbraith.  Both are associate professors in the BME department with appointments in the Quantitative and Systems Biology Center and the Knight Cancer Institute.  

INTERESTED in doing a project with Jim, Cathy, or both?


   Jim Galbraith

   Cathy Galbraith

Send a one-paragraph description of why you want to join the team.

Graduate students, rotation students, undergraduates, and interns from OHSU and the surrounding Portland Metro area are welcome.

Galbraith Lab

RLSB Building Rm 4N81

2730 S Moody Ave

Mail Code CL4G

Portland, OR 97201-5042